In September, I was in Nashville, visiting friends and inspecting hotels for Planit Meetings.Whenever I travel, I have to bring home treats for my dogs, so stopped in the Bellevue, Tennessee Petco... and met the kind, dedicated volunteers from Proverbs 12:`10 Animal Rescue and their charges... On that particular Saturday, they were having one of their weekly pet adoptions...That day, there were 35 wiggly, eager dogs, and 6 cats, in 4 tents, in the Petco parking lot..My heart went out to the volunteers, who foster the dogs and cats, for the rescue, and I wanted to take home to Washington, DC all the gorgeous dogs and cats, who had been abandoned.... Lavonne Redferrin, her husband and children have dedicated their lives to the Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue that they founded (Lavonne's husband is a UPS driver, Lavonne teaches part time). Their friend Tori Raefsky and a core group of dedicated volunteers do all they can to foster the animals, run bake sales, write grant proposals and do any fundraising activities they can think of, to keep Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue going...
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The volunteers at Proverbs rescue stray dogs and cats, left by their owners, to wander... Often, they rescue dogs, and cats, that are about to be put down at the municipal animal shelter...They frequently pick up injured dogs, hit by cars, left to die, or starve, at the side of the road...Each week, their program is approached to take in an injured or sick animal that other animal rescues won't accept due to the cost of medical treatment. The Saturday I was visiting Petco, a volunteer told me about a skinny beagle she saw limping along a rural road. When she stopped the dog came right to her. It had been hit by a car and had an injured right front leg. She took it to a vet Proverbs often uses and learned that the wound was old, the leg had nerve damage and infection and would require amputation. His x-rays showed that he had been shot with buckshot as well. Proverbs named the little guy Romeo. The vet bill was several thousand dollars...The local vet worked to save the dogs, despite knowing it will be a long time before he is paid...The vet bills, from nursing injured and sick animals back to health, spaying, neutering, deworming, vaccinating, are astronomical.
Please visit their website: http://www.proverbs1210rescue.org/... The dogs in the photos, at right, are among the pets in foster care, looking for homes.
If you're reading this, and are so moved, please mention Proverbs12:10 Animal Rescue, if you email Planit Meetings for a hotel reservation, and we will give a portion of the reservation's commission to Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue.
--Susan at Planit Meetings susan@planitmeetings.com, and on behalf of Kevin kelder@planitmeetings.com