Catching up again....after going two months without posting! No news...Is that good news?....Will the 2013 Inauguration be fun?.... What's cooking with Planit Meetings this year?
First, hotels and the Inauguration.... In November and December, after the elections, hotels put their hotel rates and restrictions in place...Most hotels had 4 night minimums, prepaid, non-refundable. People bought rooms, from hotels, from us, good faith....Now, because of the economy, second-term boredom, the economy again, maybe Sandy and other weather crises, people are not coming to DC for the Inauguration, and hotels are selling their rooms, previously rated as $1,000 per night, for almost half that via a couple of discounted services. It doesn't seem fair to the consumer who paid $1k for non-refundable 4-night minimums. On the other hand, who knew, back on November 25, exactly how many people were coming to DC for this Inaug!! Yes, there are still many hotel rooms in DC for the Inaug...We can get you one-night stays, without prepay, at rates that parallel rates during times in DC, when there are city-wide conventions.
Planit Meetings has been working hard helping a client with their non-partisan Inauguration event, January 20...There will be many parties in DC this weekend.... This morning, talked to an academic VIP on the guest list, who is not attending. His wife, a university chemistry professor in DC, is attending the Vogue Knitting Conference in NYC this weekend. So much for a university administrator's interest in Inauguration parties...even fun ones, like the one that Planit Meetings is helping with......Spent 4 hours sewing a dressy halter top from 2 sari silk scarves. The You Tube version involved no sewing, but I opted for a double layer scarf sewn and with added hooks and eyes. Promise to post a photo if it works.
But this is why our clients respect us. Re: the last minute help with the Inaug event...we help our clients when and how they need our help, pro bono, and with good cheer. They know they can count on us, whether it's for one hotel room night or many rooms in blocks for events....
Speaking of events....National Police Week's coming up in May.... college graduations....Memorial Day weekend with the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (we are so so honored to work with them)
All the best Watch this space for weekly, I promise, posts!